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Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
Essential Questions
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My New Unit

Sensory Alterations
Start Date:
End Date:
Goal Summary:
Students will gain the overall basic knowledge needed to care for patients with sensory alterations, using the nursing process to identify, describe, and prioritize information related to sensory alterations. They will learn information to help prevent some sensory alterations and communication techniques for patients who have sensory alterations.
Essential Questions:
1. How are sensory alterations and safety related?
2. How do age and environmental factors affect sensory function?
3. How do social interaction and cultural factors affect sensory function?
4. What are some assessment questions for sensory impairment? What are some types of communication impairments? How do sensory deficits affect self-esteem? What are some ways to engage a patient's family in planning for care? What can be done to prevent eye injuries?
5. What safety measures are important for patients with visual impairment, hearing loss, or reduced tactile sensation?
Content Goals:
1. Explain the knowledge necessary for care that addresses the sensory needs of adult med-surg patients.

2. Describe assessment techniques to identify factors that affect sensory function in adult med-surg patients.

3. Explain how to use the nursing process as a clinical decision-making strategy for providing care that addresses the sensory function needs of adult med-surg patients.

4. Describe prevention strategies that address the sensory function needs of adult med-surg patients.

5. Practice communication techniques, including information technologies that address the sensory function needs of an adult med-surg patient.

6. Identify teaching strategies for health instruction that address the sensory function needs of adult med-surg patients.

7. Identify professional nursing behaviors in the clinical setting applicable to the care of adult med-surg patients with impaired sensory function.

Meets Course Outcomes: 1 - 8

