
Class Info
Grade Level
Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
Essential Questions
Content Goals
Skill Goals
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Tirana International School
Physical Education Teacher: Florian Muca
Rhythms Unit
Jan18 - Mar 9

Rhythms 5 YO 2018

Grade Level:
Physical Education
Start Date:
End Date:
Goal Summary:
In this unit the student will participate in activities, singing games, folk dances, and movement to music to develop effective and efficient movement as well as a sense of rhythm. The student will explore effects of force (hard/soft), space (high/low), and speed (fast/slow) through rhythmic movement activities.
The student will explore effects of force (hard/soft), space (high/low), and speed (fast/slow) through rhythmic movement activities.
Content Goals:
Click to enter your content goals. These comprise the raw information that students should know at the end of the unit.
Skill Goals:
1. The Student Will demonstrate sportsmanship through effort, attitude, cooperation, leadership and safe movement choices.

2. TSW demonstrate care and respect of equipment and facilities.

3. TSW demonstrate age appropriate spatial awareness and physical control.

4. TSW demonstrate rhythm through basic loco-motor skills (walking, running, hopping, jumping etc.).

5. TSW participate in a variety of rhythmic movement activities such as multicultural singing games and folk dances.

6. TSW participate in games utilizing movement to rhythm.

7. TSW participate in a variety of rhythm activities such as rhythm sticks, jump rope, parachute and folk dancing.

8. TSW move creatively to music.
Click to enter. Your reflection should be entered as you progress through and complete your unit. Evaluating what worked well and what could be improved will further your professional development, and help any teachers looking to build off your unit.

