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Grade Level
Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
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My New Unit

Grade Level:
Start Date:
End Date:
Goal Summary:
Students will complete their understanding of the four operations as they study division of whole numbers, division by a fraction, and operations on multi-digit decimals.
Standards Met:
IDs Only
Model division of fractions with manipulatives, visual diagrams (bar models, number lines), and word problems.
Divide fractions procedurally using the multiplicative inverse.
Interpret what the quotient represents in mathematical and real-world problems.
Understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations.
Communicate the meaning of division using precise mathematical vocabulary.
Understand place value of multi-digit numbers and use it when dividing.
Know division is the inverse of multiplication.
Develop fluency with the traditional, standard algorithm for division of multi-digit whole numbers.
Use compatible numbers to estimate the reasonableness of answers.
Understand decimal place values.
Know basic facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithms.
Use vocabulary associated with multi-digit computation with multi-digit decimals both orally and in writing.
Understand that a factor is a whole number that divides without a remainder into another number.
Understand that a multiple is a whole number that is a product of the whole number and any other factor.
Calculate GCF and LCM for given sets of numbers.
Apply knowledge of factors and multiples to problem solving.
Communicate, using precise mathematical language, how the distributive property makes use of factors and multiples.

