
Class Info
Grade Level
Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
Essential Questions
Content Goals
Skill Goals
Other Information
Custom Fields
Public Notes
8th Grade

Theme/Central Idea

Grade Level:
Language Arts
Start Date:
End Date:
Goal Summary:
Student will analyze the development of the theme in a work of literature.
Standards Met:
IDs Only
Essential Questions:
- How does understanding theme and central idea development help improve my life?
- How do character, setting, and plot develop the theme or central idea over the course of a text? How can a reader use his or her understanding of theme or central idea to summarize a text objectively?
- How do supporting ideas develop a central idea over the course of a text? How can a reader use his or her understanding of a central idea to summarize a text objectively?
- The theme or central idea of a text is the message or lesson that the author alludes to thought details.
- Literary elements, such as character, plot, and setting, contribute to the theme or central idea of a text.
- An objective summary includes a statement of the text’s main ideas, but does not include opinions or judgments.
- The central idea of a text is the overall message.
- The details in a text contribute to its central idea.
- Subjective writing includes personal opinions and judgments.
- Objective writing is based on fact and does not reference personal opinions or judgments about a text.
- A summary is objective and identifies the author, title, and main ideas of a text.
Skill Goals:
- Infer the theme or central idea of a text, based on the text’s setting, plot, and characters.
- Analyze the development of a theme over the course of a text, determining when it first appears and when it is reinforced by events or characters in the text.
- Explain how the characters, setting, and/or plot support the development of a theme.
- Determine the main ideas in a text and use theme in an objective summary.
- Analyze how the central idea develops over the course of a text, determining when it first appears and when it gets reinforced by details in the text.
- Explain which supporting ideas in the text support the central idea.
- Determine the main idea in a text and use them in an objective summary.

