
Class Info
Grade Level
Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
Essential Questions
Content Goals
Skill Goals
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Developing understanding of fractions

My New Unit

Grade Level:
Literacy Extension
Start Date:
End Date:
Goal Summary:
Students are working towards: Staying on task, maintaining attention to task, task completion, taking turns, sequencing and planning, text prediction and comprehension. Students will work towards increased ability to write text types, including introduction, body and conclusions from random stimulus. Concurrent goal of increasing fine motor skills, specifically distal control and pencil grip.
ACARA- English Year 2:
- Read less predictable texts with phrasing and fluency by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge using text processing strategies (monitoring meaning, predicting, re-reading, self-correcting) (ACELY1669)
- Understand that nouns represent people, places, concrete objects and abstract concepts; that there are three types of nouns: common, proper and pronouns; and that noun groups/phrases can be expanded using articles and adjectives (ACELA1468).
- Listen for specific purposes and information, including instructions, and extend students' own and others' ideas in discussions (ACELY1666).
Skill Goals:
Drawn from IEPs, by the end of this sequence

Antonio will:
- Maintain focus during tasks, demonstrating increase attention to what he is doing, and increased attention to peers and teacher's instructions.
- Work towards answering inferential questions at a high level.

Ben will:
- Use phonic knowledge to sound out new words.
- Increase his distal control through handwriting practice.
- Maintain focus and attention to literacy tasks, listening to teacher and peers during turn-taking.

Connor will:
- Extend his ability to consider and respond to Blank's levels of questioning. - Maintain focus and attention to his work, actively listening to instructions.
- Increase his distal control through writing practice.

Eva, Sam, Cameron refer to group goals.

