
Class Info
Grade Level
Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
Essential Questions
Content Goals
Skill Goals
Other Information
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Public Notes
Group 1: Jahcidy, Zacharia, Jessie, Shamor
Group 2: Shinny, Gang Jin, Hussain, Becky
Group 3: Aniyah, Tanyah, Chelsea, Devin

Culture and Diversity

Grade Level:
Social Studies
Start Date:
End Date:
Goal Summary:
Connect objects to events

Use 4 picture symbols to re-tell the main idea (1) and details (3)

Attend to an activity using eye-gaze and facial expressions for 5 minutes during whole and small groups

Effectively use hands to explore objects, hold manipulatives (hold 3 hard and 2 soft objects), and use writing instruments

Refer back to informational text to express choices, opinions, make text 2 self connections, and answer comprehension questions ("answer 5 wh questions")

Follow a 5-step schedule (picture, word, or text)
Standards Met:
IDs Only
Essential Questions:
What is culture?
How do cultural differences manifest in clothing, food, language, music, and architecture?
How does culture contribute to the "American Melting Pot?" (Specifically in NYC)
Why is diversity positive?
What are ways we can travel around the world and visit difference countries?
How can we use the research process to investigate a specific country?
What is KWL? How can we demonstrate our understanding of a different culture through the KWL process during the international celebration? (Food, Architecture, Geography)
The world is a diverse place full of many unique cultures and different races.

America is known as the melting pot, because it is a country completed with a
mixture of many cultures, races, and religions.

As students enter the world of education, they are surrounded by diverse cultures and races.
Students need to understand that each individual is different and unique, and yet everyone is still special.

By understanding cultural differences, students will become more accepting of others and will have a better understanding of the world around them.
Content Goals:
Maintain eye-contact engagement for 5 minutes
Identify 5 vocabulary words from story, using PMC )
Demonstrate vocabulary comprehension by matching vocabulary words to pictures
Make a prediction about the chapter, using PMC.
Answer comprehension questions [central idea, main idea, characters, setting, story events]
Answer Yes/No comprehension questions [central idea, main idea, characters, setting, story events]
Answer recalling questions about the chapter using PMC.
Answer a main idea question about the chapter, using PMC.
Sequence research process using pictures/words
Request materials and/or make a choice during group activities
Reaches for objects/pictures during activities
Expresses opinion using MPC
Reaches for pictures /objects to recall facts from the story.
Answers “wh” questions about the story
Identifies title and author of the story
Connects story events to life events using PMC
Skill Goals:
Students will be able to: acquire new unit-specific vocabulary, sequence events through the research process, list differences and similarities in various cultures, label and state different modes of transportation, develop opinions, state choices/interests, identify personal connections through text2self renderings, and engage in hands on activities to present key details about various cultures they review.
