
Class Info
Grade Level
Goal Summary
Common Core Standards
Essential Questions
Content Goals
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My New Unit

Activity Needs
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Goal Summary:
Students will gain the overall basic knowledge needed to care for patients with activity needs, using the nursing process to identify, describe, and prioritize information related to activity needs. They will learn prevention strategies related to the activity needs of adult med-surg patients. They will also learn teaching strategies and communication techniques to use when caring for the adult med-surg patient with activity needs.
Essential Questions:
1. What three main factors determine how many calories are burned during exercise?
2. What are some principles of safe patient transfer and positioning? (Review Box 38-1.) Why is safe patient handling important for nurses as well as patients?
3. What are two ways to fail at an exercise program? What makes an exercise program successful? What are some general guidelines for initiating an exercise program? (See Box 38-2.)
4. How range of motion influences the ability to exercise. Discuss the influence of ambulation on a patient's outlook and recovery.
5. What are some nursing assessment questions for mobility? What are the effects of exercise on different body systems, activity tolerance, and psychosocial factors? What other factors influence activity tolerance? What are some ways to incorporate exercise into ADLs? What are some ways to prevent lift injuries? How does chronic illness influence exercise? How does exercise influence chronic illness?
6. What do the terms friction and shear have to do with mobility? What are the differences between a ligament and a tendon? What is the difference between a sprain and a strain?
7. What are the many needs of immobile patients.
Content Goals:
1. Explain the nursing knowledge necessary for care that addresses the activity needs of adult med-surg patients.
2. Describe assessment techniques to identify the effects of exercise and immobility on major body systems.
3. Explain how to use the nursing process as a clinical decision-making strategy for providing care that addresses the activity needs of adult med-surg patients.
4. Describe and prioritize caring nursing interventions that address the activity needs of adult med-surg patients.
5. Describe prevention strategies that address the activity needs of adult med-surg patients.
6. Practice communication techniques, including information technologies that address the activity needs of an adult med-surg patient.
7. Identify teaching strategies for health instruction that address the activity needs of adult med-surg patients.
8. Identify professional nursing behaviors in the clinical setting applicable to the care of adult med-surg patients with activity needs.

Meets Course Outcomes: 1 - 8

