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My New Lesson

Grade Level:
Language Arts
Literacy's role in suicide prevention
In this lesson, students will discuss and analyze the concept of carpe diem as expressed in the movie, Dead Poets Society. Then they will connect the concept of carpe diem to messages expressed in the lyrics of Neil Young’s tune, “My My Hey Hey (Out of the Blue).” They will write a thesis statement. Students will also gather songs from their personal library that relate to the ideas and concepts identified in their study of the movie and Young’s lyrics, and discuss them in a Socratic Circle. The lesson concludes with a short writing exercise.

By lesson’s end, students will have a better understanding of the issues at hand and how they are addressed in cinema and popular music. If the teacher chooses to continue along lines outlined in Mr. Bohn’s essay, students will be prepared to read, discuss, and compare James Joyce’s “The Dead” and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway following LitTunes methodology.

Students will:

1. Discuss and critically analyze music lyrics in order to demonstrate an understanding of theme, tone, and message.

2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills by making intertextual connections between different song lyrics.

3. Demonstrate analytical thinking and writing skills in composing a thesis statement and a short argumentative paper.

4. Develop an understanding of the theme of carpe diem as it relates different authors and genres.

· DVD of Dead Poets Society
· Neil Young’s “My My Hey Hey (Out of the Blue),” available for download on iTunes or through purchasing his 1990 release Rust Never Sleeps.

Show the clip from Dead Poets Society where, at the beginning of the film, Robin Williams takes his students out to the hallway and whispers “carpe diem” over and over while looking at photographs of past students of the private school. Williams’ character exclaims, “These boys were just like you and now they are fertilizing daffodils. We are all just food for worms, lads.”

1. Ask students to jot down their reaction to the short film clip with the aim of answering the discussion question, “What does carpe diem mean to you?” After three to five minutes, have students share their responses with others in the classroom.

2. While playing Neil Young’s tune, distribute the handout, “Socratic Circle for ‘My My Hey Hey (Out of the Blue).’ ” Tell students the handout includes the lyrics of the tune. Instruct students to make notes next to the lyrics as they complete a
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