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Common Core Standards

Fine Art Lesson 1

Fine Art
Introduction to Course
Explain the expectations of the course.
Understand the course set-up, content subject of course, and types of activities and assignments students will need to accomplish.
Demonstrate ability to use course tools and access announcement section, calendar of lessons and assignments, course lessons, due dates, dropbox, teacher contact information and class connect time.
Identify the subject matter and scope of course.
Explain expectations and appropriate behaviors during class connect sessions.
Explain blackboard tools that the students will be using during Class Connect sessions such as the whiteboard, app share, web tour, emoticons, raise your hand, microphone, chat, polling, ect
Understand and appreciate art
Identify and explain the elements of art and principles of design
After conducting this lesson I feel as though my students had a better understanding of my expectations for Class Connect session and the course. I think the students were familiarized with the course homepage.
Although I think new students are still unclear about using the all the aspects of the program due to inexperience with online learning and the course program.

From conducting the review the review of elements of art and principles of design, I was able to conclude that many students were able to identify examples of both. Some student's attempts were incorrect and need more clarification that can be completed in next week's lesson.
Review course and blackboard tools, create powerpoint, review elements of art and principles of design
powerpoint, blackboard, course homepage