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Common Core Standards

Life Cycle

Grade Level:
Students will organize events a bout plants life cycle in sequential order trhrough comprehension and writing activities.
1. Shake a paper bag filled with carrot seeds. Ask the students to guess when is in the bag. Let the students feel and examine the seeds. Record observation about the seeds. Encourage students to give specfic details. Ask the student what will grow from the seeds. Record their predictions.
2.Read the book The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss, but do not show the title of the . allow the students to identify the seeds and the title of the book after hearing the story.
3. Have the students disuss the book.
4. Discuss how a carroseed grows into a carrot. Have the students use their bodies to show a carrot seed growing into a carrot. Ask the children how it fells to be the carrot? Have the students choose a vegetable other than a carrot. The students will use their bodies to show their vegetable growing to their partner. the partner must use their bodies to show their vegetable growing to their partner. the partner must guess what vegetable they are.
5. Students will pre tend they are seed planted deep in the ground. They will write a journal entry about what it feels like to go through the life cycle.For example, how does it feel to push through the soil, grow roots, sprout shoots, receive sunlight and rain, and continue to grow into a carrot. Encourage students to write using vivid details. For instance, describe roots, shoots, and color.
6. Students will share their journal entries.
7. Students will create their own original sequel to the book The Carot Seed suh as the Corn Seed" or "The Pumpkin Seed." The students' will rite a rough draft on legal size copy paper folded into a small book. After editing and conferencing-stepas in the writer's process-the students will publish their writing in a book shaped like their vegetable. Students are to illustrate their books.
The Carrort Seed by Ruth Krauss
Bag of carrot seeds
Science Journals
Standards Met:
IDs Only