
Class Info
Grade Level
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Multiple Days
Common Core Standards
Anatomy & Physiology 11th & 12th

Nervous System

Grade Level:
Anatomy & Physiology
To understand the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system and how they regulate homeostatic balance in the human body.
To understand how the nervous system interacts with other organ systems.
Students will be able to identify and explain the role of each of the major nervous system organs.
Students will be able to explain how the nervous system receives and processes stimuli from the body and outer environment.
Other Information:
Skills that will be addressed:
1. Asking questions
2. Developing and using models.
3. Planning and carrying out investigations.
4. Analyzing and interpreting data.
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking.
6. Constructing explanations.
7. Engaging in argument form evidence.
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

Classroom Skills:
Development of technology skills
Public speaking

Addressing the Needs of All Learners:
Students who are less comfortable with written expression of their learning will have the opportunity to share their knowledge in a different manner.
Students who are uncomfortable with public speaking will have the opportunity to develop those skills in a safe setting with a peer group for support.
Public Notes:
Click to enter. Public notes are visible to anyone who views your lesson.
Click to enter. Your reflection should be entered after you've delivered your lesson. Evaluating what worked well and what could be improved will further your professional development, and help any teachers looking to build off your lesson.
Students will need a cursory knowledge of organ systems to develop a well structured experiment.
STudents will need to understand the
iPad for research with internet access.
Video capabilities
Text books
Standards Met:
IDs Only