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Writing Week B March 10th
Descriptive Communication: Letter Writing

Grade Level:
Descriptive Writing: Letter
To form a letter to someone about your favorite place including why that person should like or visit that place. To create a picture with details that describes a person, place, or thing. You should write descriptions when you want to let readers now how something looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells.
Day 1

1. Pass out Activity 8 Packet to students.

2. Let students know what they will be working on for the Writing Lesson this week.

3. Read page 67 with students making sure you go over the guidelines for the letter writing (audience= the person they are writing the letter to).

4. Turn to page 46 and read Step 1 to students.

5. Read letter aloud as a whole. Break down each paragraph. Have students write any important details about the paragraph that may be helpful in their letter writing. Have students visualize using their 5 Senses about the letter, so they can relate to it.

6. Make a connection: (a) Does it make sense
(b) Does it flow (a beginning, middle and end)
(c) Does it have important details about their favorite place

7. Go over Step 2. Make sure they have those parts in their letter.

8. Go over Step 4. Make sure students understand that they are using the graphic organizer to help guide them in their letter writing. Let students know that this will keep them organized when they right.

9. Go over Step 6. Students need to follow this checklist to make sure their letter writing includes everything that they need in their writing.

10. Go over Step 3 with students. Make sure students understand what they are supposed to be writing about. Make sure students understand that they are answering 2 questions in their letter.

11. Make sure students understand their letter writing. Make sure they have completed their graphic organizer on page 48 and have connected their details using their notes from the Sensory Chart.

12. After students have successfully completed both graphic organizers, and have a topic for their letter, students can now begin their letter.

13. Collect all students work at the end to edit what they have so far.

Day 2

1. Pass back all edited Letter Writing to students go over individually what the students need to change/add if any corrections to their letter. Students will begin to work on their 1st draft and finish 1st draft today.

2. Collect letters from students at the end of class to edit. Let students know that they will be given their edited letters back on Friday to take home and complete their 2nd draft which will be due on Monday, March 17th.
1. Descriptive Writing Communication Process Activity 8 Packet
2. Venn Diagram
3. Blank Paper
4. Pencil
Standards Met:
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