
Class Info
Grade Level
Other Information
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Public Notes
Multiple Days
Common Core Standards
Biology - 9th Grade

Cells and Their Environment

Grade Level:
Students will learn about cell environments (inside and outside), tonicity, movement across the membrane.
Students will be able to identify Hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic environments.
Students will understand osmosis and diffusion
Students will be able to determine how specific materials move in and out of cells.
Other Information:
Text Ch 4 Cells and Their Environments.
Key Concepts
Public Notes:
All students will be able to observe and participate in all activities. Students have CBs and texts which they can use throughout the lesson.
Students will be assigned partners when appropriate to minimize distractions for students in the class with learning needs.
Students are assigned seats to minimize distractions.

ADD/ADHD Students will receive close teacher monitoring to ensure they are participating in the class activities. Students sit in the front of the class.

Students have access to the notes on the board so key information is available and not missed in individual work.
Students are provided with demonstrations & models.
Socratic method is used to ensure students understand the material as we progress through the lesson.
By learning the way in which cells move material in and out of the cell using passive, active and facilitated transport, students will better understand how vital processes like cellular respiration and photosynthesis occur. Cells communicate with one another based on concentration gradients and understanding how these work helps students to understand hormone signaling, local messaging systems and long distance signaling.
Students will relate these concepts to growth and development of their own bodies (endocrine system) and of plants.
These concepts are foundational to chemistry concepts and chemical reactions/enzymatic reactions.
Beakers, food coloring, hot and cold water
Prepare solutions for grape lab
Have colored paper available.
Cell Membrane Model Roles for Students
Lab: beakers, grapes, sugar, paper towel, balance
Paper for environment models.
Text: Biology
Interactive Science Notebook
Standards Met:
IDs Only