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Common Core Standards

Emily Moore & Kate Winn's MLP 3

Grade Level:
Biology Stand D Genetics, Meiosis and Genetics Disorders
The objective of this lesson is to have students be able to identify characteristics of the different phases of meiosis and what genetic disorders can occur when the process has imperfections by the end of class.
Other Information:
Overall expectations D1 evaluate the importance of some recent contributions to our knowledge of genetic processes and analyse social and ethical implications of genetics and genome research, D2 investigate genetic processes, including those that occur during meiosis, and analyse data to solve basic genetics problems involving monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
Specific Expectations D1.2 evaluate, on the basis of research the importance of some recent contributions to knowledge, techniques, and technologies related to genetic processes (e.g. research into the cystic fibrosis gene; the use of safflowers to produce insulin for human use) D2.2 investigate the process of meiosis, using a microscope or similar instrument.
Each students body undergoes mitosis, so it is important to understand how it works. Also, it is important to understand what happens when mitosis is not perfect. The genetic disorders that can arise from mitosis.
Photocopies of all handouts need to be made. Teacher will need to go to the grocery store to buy allergen free gummy worms. Teacher will also need to inform students to bring in own tech or to organize booking tech for the class.
- slide show print out for each students with blanks to fill in
- gummy worms
- chrome books or ipads