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Common Core Standards

Ecosystem Collages

Grade Level:
Visual/Spatial Learner Activity- Ecosystem Collages
The objective of this lesson plan is to allow the students to fully understand and comprehend a chosen ecosystem and all its working parts. Students will be able to recognize specific aspects of each ecosystem described, including different natural cycles, new vocabulary, and our impact on the ecosystem. They will be show this knowledge through creating a collage through Microsoft word and then giving a presentation of their collage. This will give the students a chance to increase their understanding on not only their knowledge of how to create a project through the use of technology, but also a chance to learn through each other by sharing their information through the presentation.
Other Information:
Public Notes:
Standards for students:
In this assignment, students should include the most important aspects of their assigned ecosystem in both the collage and presentation. They should chose relevant and well thought out images in a creative way for their collage and be able to explain how it relates to the ecosystem and give some background detail. The students should also be able to thoughtfully present their ecosystem to the class at a level that their classmates will be able to absorb new knowledge through the student's perspective on the ecosystem.
In conclusion to this assignment, students will be able yo accurately identify and discuss the various ecosystems on our planet. They will also be able to reflect on our impacts on these ecosystems, as well as what we can do ourselves in order to protect and preserve these ecosystems for years to come. Through the presentation, students will be able to present a visual presentation as well as develop their public speaking skills by enriching their fellow classmate's understanding of the subject.
Before starting this lesson plan, students should complete the reading in their textbook regarding the topic of ecosystems. This will give the students some background information on the topics in order to help them construct their collages.
Microsoft word
Laptop and internet access
Manilla envelope
Science textbook
Index cards
Standards Met:
IDs Only