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Common Core Standards
Ms. Steiner's 2nd Grade Class

Musical colored glasses

Grade Level:
Students should be able to effectively measure fractions such as one whole, three quarters of a whole, one half, and one quarter of a whole. Students will be able to identify different sounds associated with different measurements.
Public Notes:
Students should be asked discussion questions relating to the activity.
Did the different colors affect the sounds of the spoon banging the glass?
Did the different amounts of water affect the sounds of the spoon banging the glass?
Would different sized glasses make different noises?
Would a different material besides glass make a different noise?
Would a different object besides a spoon make a different noise?
What elements would have to change in order to hear the same noise 4 times?
How many different noise and fraction combinations could we find?
What would happen if we tapped a different part of the glass?
What if we added two colors to one glass?
Which glass and water combination sounds the best?
Could we create a song using different variations of the glasses and spoon?
Have 4 drinking glasses prepared. In one glass, add 2 drops of red food coloring. In the next glass, add 2 drops of blue food coloring. In the third glass, add 2 drops of yellow food coloring. In the last glass, add 2 drops of green food coloring. Next, fill the first glass with 1/4 of water. Fill the second glass half full of water. Fill the third glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill the last glass completely with water.
4 glasses. Red, blue, yellow, and green food coloring. Water. A spoon. Pen and paper.
Standards Met:
IDs Only