
Class Info
Grade Level
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Public Notes
Multiple Days
Common Core Standards
This is an inclusion classroom that contains general education students as well as those with IEPs


Grade Level:
Language Arts
To be able to recite and recognize letters and the sounds they make
Public Notes:
Whole Class:
The students learn best from one another. They will help each other out with the order in which the letter go in the alphabet.

Groups of students with similar needs: Some students will easily understand letters. These students could be put in a group and given minimal assistance and direction in order to do the lesson and master it.

Other students will need to be led by another student that can lead a group of students, myself or the IA in order to master the letters and their sounds.
Individual Students: There will be individual students who will need to be given one on one teaching. This can be done while other children that require minimal assistance are engaged in the lesson or during part of centers time.

Students with IEPs or 504 Plans: Accommodations and modifications will be based on the individual student’s need. Blind students will require a brail version of flash cards, deaf students will require the letters to be signed to them so they make the connection between the sign and the written letter. Other exceptionalities will require other modifications such as extra time to learn the letters, modifications to what is considered mastery and individualized material to learn the concepts in appropriate.
Print out Flashcards and worksheets and find videos and have them prepped for showing.
Flashcards, worksheets, and a TV connected to a laptop or computer.