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Boy in the Striped Pajamas (ch 1-2)

Grade Level:
Language Arts
Introduction/chapter 1-2
Literary Devices-- Point of View, setting,
to understand the application and use of literary devices in understanding underlying meaning of story

Essential Questions
How does the point of view and setting depicit misunderstanding of tragedy?

One of the ways Boyne establishes that the third-person narration is from Bruno's childish point of view is through the use of capitalization and misnaming of specific, recognizable names. For example, Bruno refers to his father's boss as "the Fury"; the reader must extrapolate that this is actually "the Furor," or Adolf Hitler. When Father prompts him to shout "Heil Hitler!" upon leaving the office at the end of Chapter Five, Bruno assumes this notorious Nazi salute is just "another way of saying, 'Well, goodbye for now, have a pleasant afternoon'" (54). Bruno understands that Father's office is "Out Of Bounds At All Times And No Exceptions," a phrase that he has memorized after hearing it many times from his parents, the reader imagines. Bruno's sister, Gretel, is introduced as being "Trouble From Day One" (21). This way of thinking about things so concretely, of making sense of a rule and applying it to all situations, is a characteristic of Bruno that identifies him as a child. The reader is encouraged to take on this childlike point of view through the use of capitalization. Because of the limits of the narrator, the reader is able to approach the horrors of the Holocaust as if he or she has no prior knowledge - much like Bruno. The reader is required to put together details Bruno notices in order to make sense of the larger issues at play.
Lesson completed in 3 days. (Discussion took about 3/4 of period of 1st day). Used remaining time to free read.
Discussion was assissted by using info sheet on Holocaust and info on WWII
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