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Reading brought to life with Art and Technology

Grade Level:
Reading and Art
claymation project
For students to interpret a book scene using their imagination from reading the book, and bring to life using art and technology. The learners will be able to recreate a favorite scene from the current book, create a 3D version of it using a variety of materials, then to bring it life using technology, they will learn the different techniques and uses used in the technology
Were the students able to understand the concept of turning a scene read from a book into art and then into a moving picture?
Were students able to grasp the technology of the project and use it to create with?
Did the students get adequate instructions on using the technology to help them understand how to use it?
Gathering materials and technology needed to create the videos, finding youtube videos/step by step directions to create claymation, printing off rubrics for groups to use, finding a suitable site or app to use for creating the scenes to format into videos.
-class book that the class has been reading

-Pages printed out with 4-6 boxes for drawing rough draft of scene for group to create.

-iPad/phone or camera&computer, video recording app or software, example;(Movie Maker app on iPad or use Clayframes – Stop Motion from the Google Play store.)

- stage for each group using shoebox's or pieces of cardboard bent in half to have a background and bottom/floor.

-Clay/dough, small toys or other objects to use, markers/crayons/colored pencils, construction paper, scissors, glue..