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Common Core Standards

Spanish Language Arts Dual Language -
Sep 14 to Sep 18 2015

Grade Level:
Spanish Language Dual Language Immersion
Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading
Students use technology and project based learning in groups and individually to learn/augment Spanish.
MONDAY MEMO: During PLC’s this week please reflect on the high-five initiatives. What have you accomplished in the areas of Dual Language, STEM, PBL, AVID, and Advocacy? What are your next steps in engaging the students and focusing on hands on learning? I have been working hard on STEM and using technology as well as DUAL LANGUAGE in my technology. I use Duolingo which allows non-Spanish speakers to work on needed skills and Spanish speakers to either work ahead or even translate approved articles from the internet. I also used VOKI which allows them to type in a writing assignment and create an AVATAR which will speak using what they themselves have recorded in their own voice.
MONDAY: Half my class couldn't log in using their student ID"s so we went over to the computer lab and shared. Heather, the 7th grade teacher, came and took the laptops for her class and had no problem. Period 6 was very loud and disruptive so we practiced class rules. I shared the last two periods with Hector (Social Studies).
TUESDAY: My school laptop died and I lost my keys in the teacher lounge (someone put papers on top of them). I was able to take roll in the lab 203 and even use email. After leaving my laptop off for 3 hours, it all of a sudden began to work again even though I had restarted multiple times and applied the fixes. Mr. Mounger and I talked about not being able to use VOKI on the iPads because the Puffin app must be paid for. We also talked about programs where students can be monitored and unnecessary programs closed out by the teachers. Lab 203 works the best because of the headphones which are already there--this is the first time Duolingo wasn't incredibly loud. 5th period: Gabriel Rodriguez went to Ms. Mary and worked with the special needs kids because he felt stressed out. I am trying the 6-8 Spanish workbooks the librarian found me with 5th period--they have room to summarize on each page and also questions at the end of each selection--however it is small--we punched holes in them for their binders.
Copies for Word Searches; Reading/Editing Textbook Worksheets for Hispanohablantes; Find music videos to help both learn new vocabulary
Laptops or Ipads. Santillana textbooks and Cuadernos. Copies from writing workbook "Ya Escribimos"; Videos able to be put in Spanish with Spanish subtitles
Standards Met:
IDs Only