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Common Core Standards

Spanish Language Arts Dual Language -
Sep 8 to Sep 11 2015

Grade Level:
Spanish Language Dual Language Immersion
Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading
Students undertake various tasks to determine their level for Spanish improvement.
MONDAY MEMO: Since I will be working on assessment from 1F and 3D which has to do with designing and providing assessment, I try to provide formative assessments (taking a vocab quiz from a video every day) and technology assessments Dulingo and Voki. When we get Santillana, there should be online assessments there too.
TUESDAY: Had to go to library because 201 lab overbooked. Not enough computer for 6th so they had to share: when you're making your own avatar, this makes it hard. Half the time the students couldn't record their own voices which was the purpose of the whole exercise: ask Dusty, because my laptop could do it easily each time, and these were ethernet wired. Students very engaged but a little frustrated.
WEDNESDAY: Voki write and create went much better in Lab 201. I had students do the writing first, so they knew what they would record, and then create their avatar, and THEN record their voice. Some computers still froze when they were trying to save their Voki to my web page. Went into sound settings and turned up the input microphone.
THURSDAY: Video with Vocabulary. programa, licencia, cuidado, escudo, alegria--The 9-11 timeline which they rendered into bubble graphs helped discover the day's events; the Linkin Park 9-11 Tribute video brought in the emotion--one young lady started crying in last period, so I let her sit at my desk and pet the hamster. She then helped hand out lollipops for the emotional release. Students wrote for 6 minutes straight about the bubble graphs information and what they saw in the videos.
FRIDAY: The 9-11 timeline which they rendered into bubble graphs helped discover the day's events; the Linkin Park 9-11 Tribute video brought in the emotion--we also watched about Seal Team Six and Osama Bin Laden as well as a stop-action video about building the Freedom Tower. Students wrote for 6 minutes straight about the bubble graphs information and what they saw in the videos, hispanohablantes en espanol, and English speakers in english.
Copies for Word Searches; Reading/Editing Textbook Worksheets for Hispanohablantes; Find music videos to help both learn new vocabulary
Laptops or Ipads. Santillana textbooks and Cuadernos. Copies from writing workbook "Ya Escribimos"; Videos able to be put in Spanish with Spanish subtitles
Standards Met:
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