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Common Core Standards

Social Studies
Week of 03-16-15

Grade Level:
Social Studies
Chapter 9; Patriots at War, Washington Takes Command, Defeat and Victory, The Turning Point, African Americans and the Revolution, Women in the Revolution, Winter at Valley Forge, Seeking Freedom
I can...
- Explain how Washington was able to force the British from Boston.
- Analyze the causes and effects of American victories at Trenton and Saratoga.
- Summarize the contributions of African American patriots.
- Describe ways in which women helped support the American Revolution.
- Identify the contributions of significant individuals during the revolutionary period, including Phillis Wheatley.
- Identify the contributions of significant individuals during the revolutionary period, including Prince Hall.
- Explain ways that people have sought freedom at other times and places in history.
- Use primary and secondary sources such as visual information to acquire information.
Other Information:
Grade Level Expectations Met:
37. Describe and compare the various religious groups in colonial America and the role of religion in colonial communities (H-1B-M4)
38. Describe the political, social, and economic organization and structure of the thirteen British colonies that became the United States (H-1B-M5)
39. Describe reflections of European culture, politics, and institutions in American life (H-1B-M5)
40. Explain why some colonists felt loyal to England due to their cultural, political, and economic ties to their homeland (H-1B-M5)
Teacher is to prepare class discussion material
SS books, workbooks