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Research/Study Skills: Parts of a Book

Grade Level:
Language Arts
Research/Study Skills: Parts of a Book
Ask students what kinds of print sources they might use to research proper procedures during emergencies.
"To find out how flood waters are controlled, what kind of print sources could I use? (nonfiction books)."
Then discuss the different parts of a nonfiction book.
-Some information appears at the beginning of a book. A title page shows the book's title, author, and publisher. A copyright page shows the year the book was published. A table of contents lists the chapter titles or section heading and their corresponding page numbers.
- A preface is an introduction to a book with written remarks.
-Important information is also found at the back of the book. A bibliography lists the sources the authors used to research or write the book. An appendix is an addition near the end of the book that gives more information that can be presented in a graph, chart, list, or table. A glossary gives definitions of important words in the book. An index lists a book's topics in alphabetical order and shows where the information can be found.
-Captions tell more about a book's graphic sources, such as phots and diagrams. Footnotes appear at the bottom of pages and give more information about a book's words.
Have students complete comprehension book pages 281-282.
Give students encyclopedias to practice research with their new understanding of parts of the books.
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