
Class Info
Grade Level
Other Information
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Multiple Days
Common Core Standards
This math class is for students receiving Special Education services that may benefit from a separate setting. The students will learn the same learning targets as their general education peers through a blended learning environment that combines direct instruction, collaboration, electronic practice, and games.

Converting Fractions to Decimals!

Grade Level:
Converting Fractions to Decimals
"I can convert fractions to decimals."

All students will be able to use a calculator to use division to convert fractions into decimals (Basic).

Some students will be able to select the correct fraction to corresponds to a given decimal (Enriched).

Some students will be able to mentally convert simple fractions into decimals (and vise versa) (Proficient).
Other Information:
This class consists of 5 students receiving Special Education services under IDEA. Their individual skill levels vary considerably, but I try to scale the learning target to meet their needs. For this lesson, all students can participate in the same activities.

Students are allowed to listen to music and chat while they work. They often work together to help solve problems.

The classroom also contains an additional student that has been determined to be kept in a Most Restrictive learning environment. While the other students are working independently or collaboratively, I work with this student on topics such as: safety, making good choices, and behavior management. I typically give this student 20-30 minutes to work on an iPad to take care of an interactive "pet."
Preparing links on My Big Campus and sending students an e-mail to provide them the practice links.
Computer, Mini White-boards
Standards Met:
IDs Only