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Common Core Standards

Unit 3 - Cells and the Cell Cycle

Grade Level:
Cells and the Cell Cycle
Students will master the concepts listed in the Polk County Curriculum Maps.
Other Information:
The LEQs that will be addressed in this unit are as follows:
1.) What are the tenets of cell theory?
2.) What is the relationship between cell theory and a law?
3.) What role did scientific claims and argumentation have in the development of a scientific cell theory?
4.) How has the development of the microscope contributed to cell theory?
5.) What is the relationship between the structure and function of the major cell organelles found in plant and animal cells?
6.) How do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells compare? - Personal Note: The district may mistakenly put compare. There are hardly any comparisons and I think they are looking for the term contrast since there are major differences that separate the two.
7.) How do concentration gradients impact the movement of materials across the cell membrane?
8.) How can we describe the stages in the life cycle of a cell?
9.) How can we compare/contrast mitosis and binary fission in asexual reproduction?
10.) What impact can mutations and uncontrolled cell growth have on the cell cycle?
Public Notes:
Based on how well students enjoyed the note taking (from Unit 2 where they were given ppt notes where they fill in the blank) this will continue. Still looking for a better way to deliver instruction where instruction can be delivered and we can maximize time for activities.
It should be noted that next year genetically engineered bacteria must be used. Error was noted and I have learned from this error. Another teacher has introduced the idea of a SBR idea of podcasts in which another school in Florida uses podcast to deliver instruction so reinforcement concepts can be done in the classroom along with activities to further reinforce the concepts. Next unit this will be done since it is a SBR practice with documentation shown to work. (The school that was used has similar economic demographics to WHHS).
Acquire petri dishes and sterile swabs.
Petri dishes, sterile swabs