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Vocabulary Lesson

Grade Level:
Language Arts
The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the students' vocabulary and usage. This activity will allow students to create their own questions from the vocabulary used in the readings from the short stories they have been reading. Students will benefit from being able to create clear and meaningful questions. This will also enlarge and reinforce students' vocabulary.
The teacher will create a list of vocabulary words chosen from the short stories in the anthology. The teacher will also create random individual lists depending on the number of students in the class. Each list will be numbered.
Literature Anthology
Writing Journals
Computers with PowerPoint
Overhead for presentations
Vocabulary List
Nonchalantly - casually; indifferently
Nevertheless - in spite of that; however
Oblivious - unaware
Paranoia - mental disorder characterized by delusions
Piqued - annoyed or upset
Negotiate - bargain with the hope of reaching an agreement
Plausibility - believability; seeming truth
Meager - of poor quality or small amount
Intrigues - plots; schemes
Inheritance - gift handed down to a later generation in the family
Indulgence - leniency; readiness to tolerate or forgive bad behavior
Irreproachable - above criticism
Itinerary - route; travel plan
Manipulated - managed or controlled through clever moves
Lofty - elevated in rank or character; noble
Pretense - a pretending; a false show of something
Profuse - giving or pouring forth freely, often to excess; plentiful
Tangible - able to be touched; actual
Subdued - quiet; lacking energy
Titanic - powerful; of great size
Trace - tin amount; hint
Ulterior - further; beyond what is openly stated or implied
Tremulous - trembling; quivering
Struggle - face difficulty
Stipulates - includes specifically as part of an agreement
Prudent - exercising sound judgment; cautious
Progress - development; improvement
Purified - rid of impurities or pollution; made pure
Reconciliation - restoring friendship and harmony
Staidness - state of being settled; calm
Squalid - foul; unclean
Indigence - poverty
Inaudibly - in a way that cannot be heard
Change - become different; transform
Cessation - halt; stopping
Catalyst - person or thing that triggers and event or action
Commiserate - sympathize with; show sorrow for
Compromise - agreement where both sides give something up
Confrontation clashing of forces of ideas
Standards Met:
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